jrebel ???
Theodore Petrosky
2018-10-30 21:56:24 UTC
is anyone using JRebel in their WO environment?

what about DCEVM? has it been updated to handle the updates to Java?

Lookin' for info.

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Michael Kondratov
2018-10-31 01:18:25 UTC
I used it briefly, seems to work fine.


Sent from my iPhone
Post by Theodore Petrosky
is anyone using JRebel in their WO environment?
what about DCEVM? has it been updated to handle the updates to Java?
Lookin' for info.
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Maik Musall
2018-10-31 15:15:31 UTC
Hi Ted,
# Make sure to run this with up-to-date JAVA_HOME
echo "Choose Home directory in the install dialog"
cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
cd `ls -d jdk1.8* | tail -n 1`
sudo chown -R $USER .
ln -s ${JAVADIR}/Contents $HOME/jdk
java -jar $HOME/src/workspace/DCEVM-8u172-installer.jar
sudo chown -R root .
rm $HOME/jdk
echo "After installing as altjvm, duplicate JRE in Eclipse and provide this argument:"
echo "-XXaltjvm=dcevm -javaagent:/Users/maik/src/workspace/hotswap-agent.jar"
See also:

Wiki page about JRebel: https://wiki.wocommunity.org/display/documentation/Using+JRebel+%28previously+called+JavaRebel%29+with+WOLips <https://wiki.wocommunity.org/display/documentation/Using+JRebel+(previously+called+JavaRebel)+with+WOLips>
Wiki page about DCEVM: https://wiki.wocommunity.org/display/WOL/Using+DCEVM+and+Hotswap+for+rapid+turnaround <https://wiki.wocommunity.org/display/WOL/Using+DCEVM+and+Hotswap+for+rapid+turnaround>
Lightning Talk about DCEVM at WOWODC 2016: http://wocommunity.org/podcasts/wowodc/2016/DCEVM_and_Hotswap.mp4 <http://wocommunity.org/podcasts/wowodc/2016/DCEVM_and_Hotswap.mp4>

is anyone using JRebel in their WO environment?
what about DCEVM? has it been updated to handle the updates to Java?
Lookin' for info.
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Samuel Pelletier
2018-10-31 17:45:01 UTC
DCEVM for Java 10 is into the OpenJdk Project.

The problem I see is the support for open jdk on Mac. A rapid search seems to indicate that Homebrew

Oracle seems to move Java into paid services, it is maybe the time to try Open jdk...

Is there any known problems with Open JDK and WO ?

Post by Theodore Petrosky
is anyone using JRebel in their WO environment?
what about DCEVM? has it been updated to handle the updates to Java?
Lookin' for info.
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Asa Steady Hardcastle
2018-10-31 18:13:25 UTC
Hi Theodore,

I use it and I love the time it saves me. I'm currently doing all of my WebObjects development using Eclipse Neon.3 Release (4.6.3) with no problems (I realize I am behind). It has gotten more expensive over the years, but it is still well worth the money and the company is responsive.

Let me know if you need more info.


Post by Theodore Petrosky
is anyone using JRebel in their WO environment?
what about DCEVM? has it been updated to handle the updates to Java?
Lookin' for info.
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Theodore Petrosky
2018-10-31 18:48:15 UTC
I think I stopped using DCEVM because there were no updates! I should have kept looking.

So I followed the instructions and now have a patched and working jdk1.8.0_181.jdk/ with DCEVM and it works great.

Thanks, Maik for reminding me to look. I too found JRebel too expensive.

Post by Asa Steady Hardcastle
Hi Theodore,
I use it and I love the time it saves me. I'm currently doing all of my WebObjects development using Eclipse Neon.3 Release (4.6.3) with no problems (I realize I am behind). It has gotten more expensive over the years, but it is still well worth the money and the company is responsive.
Let me know if you need more info.
Post by Theodore Petrosky
is anyone using JRebel in their WO environment?
what about DCEVM? has it been updated to handle the updates to Java?
Lookin' for info.
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